Richard Colorants CSR approach
Richard Colorants has set itself the challenge of promoting social and environmental aspects while maintaining its economical growth through the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
The CSR at Richard Colorants stands for:
- Circular development: maintaining the economical growth while taking the economical and social aspects into consideration,
- Sustainable economy: developing our loyal approach in the promotion of responsible products and reducing our impact on the environment
- Respect of human beings: respect of communities

Resources management
Since 2021, we are keeping an eye on our consumption (gas, electricity, water) and we try to reduce our consumption. For instance, we regulate the temperature and we have better distributed the heating.
Moreover, we are being provided by a green energy supplier.
Richard Colorants ensures to respect the 3R (Recycle, recover, reuse) to maximise resources and limit its waste.

From our purchases...
When we invest, we make sure to invest sustainably, taking the life cycle into consideration.
In our approach to limit waste, we make sure that our purchases are sustainable. We buy as locally as possible.
Moreover, we impose a charter on our suppliers to insure that their working methods are as ethical and reliable as possible.

... to our movements
We maximize our deliveries by reducing the weight of our packaging and delivering only to warehouses. Theses methods enable us to limit our movements, and therefore our impact on the environment.
We also encourage our collaborators and co-workers to opt for gentle mobility. Long trips are mostly made by train.

As required by law, as part of our extended producer responsibility, we work with the EcoDDS eco-organization, which enables us to take responsibility for the end-of-life of our products by setting up a paint recycling scheme.
Our colorants are the only ones on the French market to have the NF-376 environment label.
Today, we are working on our Biosourced paints to obtain the EU Paints Ecolabel.

CIEP Company
Richard Colorants has been a Classified Installation for Environmental Protection since 2008. Naturally, the company has been committed to the environment for a few years now: a study on environmental impacts had been made, the establishment doesn't unleash smoke...
However, aware the world changes, Richard Colorants wishes to do more to protect the environment by taking numerous measurements and by sometimes proactively anticipating the imposed regulations.

Our products
Colorants are an economical, practical and anti-waste solution for consumers. With them, it is possible to recycle old paint pots or to create multitudes of tints from a single pot of white paint !
Moreover, we are working on the quality of our products to reduce the number of coats required to obtain an optimum opacity which permits to reduce the quantity of product used, with a view to rational use.
Our dyes.

Our raw materials
To formulate our products, we are prioritizing natural, biosourced and not dangerous raw materials whenever possible. Furthermore, our products are made from aqueous phase, not solvated, which reduce their environmental impact.
To reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, we buy raw materials from Europe (when possible). Moreover, we try to create new products with raw materials that we already use.

Our production process
For each product, the least energy-consuming process is carefully chosen (optimum grinding time, reduced wastewater and waste...).
Our machines use closed-circuit cooling water, so it doesn't waste this precious resource.
We do not subcontract our colorants, paints, strippers and cleaners: everything is done on site.

Our packaging
The Anti-waste law for circular economy (AGEC) impose numerous adaptations on product packaging. Proactively, we are going beyond these adaptations and have set ourselves the goal of 25% recycled materials in:
- 25% of our primary packaging by 2024,
- 50% of our primary packaging by 2025,
- 100% of our primary packaging by 2026.
To reduce our carbon footprint, we are buying from a local company located in the North of France for our secondary packagings. They are made of FSC or PEFC cardboard and paper.

Processing of waste
From our wastewater, to our cardboards or even inks cartridges, Richard Colorants is committed to improving its waste sorting: wastewater isn't discharged in the urban network but treated by a specialized company, broken wooden pallets are returned to the manufacturer to be recycled, our soiled packagings are given away to a renovator...
We are actively looking for new methods to recycle more and better.

Responsible suppliers
During the supplier referencing, he adheres to the requirements of Richard Colorants and the SIOEN group by signing a responsible purchasing code of conduct, including social, ethical, environmental and quality aspects.
This way, suppliers are committed to respect the fundamental principles regarding Human Rights and working conditions: prohibition of child labor and forced labor, freedom of unionization, etc.

Equality for all
We make it a point of honor to respect all of our stakeholders.
No discrimination is tolerated in our company. As a result, we guarantee equal opportunities, which has enabled us to achieve gender parity within our company.
Equal wage is applied to all employees in identical situation.

Committed for health
During the formulation development, our teams take the risk for consumers and manufacturing operations health into account. This way, we reduce the VOCs quantity emitted by our paints. Our products are labeled A+, and therefore said to have "very low emissions".
Every necessary informations regarding the danger and the risk management of our products are in the "Fiches de Données Securité", available on our website.

... and for our consumers
Richard Colorants use responsible methods towards its consumers, by developing our loyal and fair approach in the promotion of responsible products.
Our marketing team aims to offer the best product experience possible. To do so, we provide all the necessary information through our packaging and this website so that the consumers can be guided from the beginning to the end.
The technical documents are available on the website.

Employee Well-being
Because work is a part of our daily lives, we wish to dynamise and to enhance quality of life.
At Richard Colorants, an event calendar was put in place to accomplish our goal.
Moreover, part of SIOEN Industries, we also are a part of their CSR strategy, which enables us to take part in activities on a larger scale.