Glitter effect

  • Paillettes
  • Effet Pailleté
  • Quartz, for an intense sparkly effect
  • JunglePaillettes, for a subtle glitter effect

Quartz Intense Sparkly Effect Richard Paint

The Quartz paint has a uniqueness intensity of glitter.

- Textured effect, intense sparkly effect

- Ready-to-use

High covering power

- Indoor paint (wall, woodwork, radiator…)

- Aqueous phase

- Quick drying (4 hours between two layers)

12 shades*:

Quartz Intense Sparkly Effect Richard Paint 12 Shades
*Informative shades

Volume: 2L

Jungle Paillettes Sublte sparkly effect paint Richard

This paint is ideal to light up your walls with a subtle glitter effect and a bright color palette.

- Subtle sparkly effect

- Ready-to-use

- Aqueous phase

- Quick drying (4 hours between two layers)

Tip: You can paint your door in another glittery shade.

12 shades*:

Jungle Paillettes Sublte sparkly effect paint Richard 12 shades
*Informative shades

Volume: 2L