Outdoor Remover

Richard offers gel outdoor strippers, essential for difficult works.

  • No scratching
  • Doesn’t leak.

Danger free: no flammable solvents and paraffin free.

Wood stripper

Outdoor remover Richard wood stripper

Ideal for garden tables, chairs, doors, shutters, gates….

Volume: 1L

PVC-Alu-Iron stripper

Outdoor remover Richard PVC Alu Iron stripper

Ideal for your PVC and aluminium doors, windows, garden furniture, gates, cast iron radiator, grids…

Volume: 1L

Frontage and wall Stripper

Outdoor remover Richard frontage and wall stripper

For small areas. Ideal to sand walls and frontages in poor conditions. Suitable on any brick, blockwork, concrete, and cement.

Volume: 1L

Please always follow the information on the product label.